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Various Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are large, swollen, and raised blood vessels that usually affect the legs. Varicose veins may twist and turn, consequently become painful as well as unsightly. Luckily, there are several ways to treat them.


If you're suffering with this problem, there are several possible causes. They can include heredity, standing for long periods of time, obesity, pregnancy, using birth control medication, and menopause. A history of traumatic injuries, blood clots and exposure to ultraviolet rays may also result in varicose veins.


Here are some vein treatment options for varicose veins


Support stockings


This is one of the simplest approaches you can try. By putting on properly-fitting support stockings, you can help ease discomfort and pain. These stockings may be bought at surgical supply stores and pharmacies. Know more about spider veins at


Lifestyle changes


Lifestyle changes may help a great deal. Engage in exercise regularly and maintain good skin hygiene. If you're obese or overweight, it's also recommended that you lose weight.




This procedure involves the use of a highly concentrated solution that's injected straight to the veins. After about 3-6 weeks, the swelling will start to go away gradually. This vein treatment method is simple, fairly inexpensive and may be done in any outpatient setting, view website here!


Endovenous laser treatment


Done in an outpatient environment under local anesthesia, this also another good option. During the treatment, the doctor inserts a small laser string into the problem veins. Pulses of laser light are directed to the vein, reducing the swelling and making the affected part much less noticeable.


Radio frequency occlusion


This happens when the doctor inserts a small catheter into the affected part. Radio-frequency energy is passed through the catheter to the affected area, making it heat, collapse and get sealed. This treatment is usually done in an outpatient environment and may be done under local anesthesia if necessary.


Procedures may be considered medically necessary or elective. Not everyone with this problem experiences pain. Some take the procedure just to improve their appearance.


With many different ways available to treat varicose veins, it's best to talk to your doctor.  Your doctor can recommend a specialist and determine the best option for you depending on the severity. It's important to note that insurance may not cover your procedure. Not all insurance policies consider treatments for varicose veins necessary. Treatments may still be done, but you'll have to pay for them yourself. Consult your doctor and have him/her evaluate your condition before treatment.

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